Being a Best Kept Secret is Ruining Your Business.

Being a Best Kept Secret is Ruining Your Business.

The title of this blog may make you squirm a little but trust me, it’s for your own good. In this blog we will be exploring how being a best-kept secret is ruining your business and stopping your success dead in its tracks. I get it; putting yourself out there can...
The Art of Standing Out in Business.

The Art of Standing Out in Business.

In the fabulously fun world of business ownership, standing out isn’t just a bonus – it’s a necessity. Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or just dipping your toes in, the ability to distinguish yourself from the competition can make or break your success. But...
Are you ready?

Are you ready?

Are you ready? How does that question make you feel? Excited? Scared? Worried that you’ve forgotten to do something?  A mixture of emotions? In this blog I want to explore this idea of being ready, how being “ready” may or may not be serving us in our business and the...
Going off with a bang!

Going off with a bang!

This month, November 2021, I am doing something BRAND NEW in my business. It requires over 30 emails, 3 landing pages, 4 tasks, a masterclass and well, the list goes on.  As we are all aware, we are not one thingGoing off with a bang!, we are the sum of our parts and...